Fishing is the act of catching fish and other sea animals, and the someone who does this is a fisherman. There are mainly three types of fishermen in our known context. The first and major one is the professional. Then there is the recreational and finally, the artisanal. Among them, the pro are the majority. The artisanal are second largest community and the recreational fishermen are least as they take it as a hobby.
The pro fishermen catch fish and other seafood for living. Normally it is a tradition and they do it over generations and learn techniques from the ancestors. The tasteless place to find a pro fisherman is the fishing village. They build their boat and net by themselves. The duties of a pro fisherman comprise not only fishing but also making ready it for distribution and marketing. The women in a fishing community are also involved in fishing any way. pro fishermen Normally use roughly every kind of techniques depending on the situation and use roughly every available equipment for fishing. Their primary concern is the quantity of the fish and for that their main source is the sea. The pro fishermen are the most tasteless and major part of fishing business.
The recreational fishermen catch fish for recreation or sports. The main purpose for recreational fishing is personal pleasure and it is totally opposite of pro fishing. The recreational is also known as sports fishing and sometimes there is a competition for recreational fishing. It is a tasteless thing among the recreational fishermen to leave a fish back to the water before it dies. The most tasteless technique used for recreational fishing is the angling, but other tasteless techniques like hand conference or spearing can also be used for this kind of fishing. Instruments comprise fishing rod, line and hook for angling. For spear fishing, cross bow is beloved equipment. There are rules and regulations for recreational fishermen and it is monitored by fishing game authority. For some fishing gaming facility, the player can keep a narrative along with personal statistics. Recreational fishing has nothing to do with business.
Artisanal are fishermen corollary the primary system. Like the pro fishermen, they also catch fish for money. However, they do not have the factory to use modern techniques and technologies for that. Instead they corollary the primary methods. Sometimes the artisanal fishermen just corollary the cultural legacy of their country. The most tasteless technique used by the artisanal is the net. However, they also use angling and trap. They Normally do not go to deep sea, as they do not have the factory to store fish for long time and use the classical hand throwing net to catch fish from their small boat. The artisanal, like the professional, has fishing community and it is Normally near to a fish ground. The artisanal live mostly in the South Asian region.
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